Healthy Snack List | For Food Sensitivities


Enjoy diversity, Eat variously, & Alternate bi-monthly!

 •    Apples, pears, frozen grapes
•    sweet potato chips
•    nuts and seeds: pine, macadamia, almonds, pumpkin/sunflower seeds, etc.plain carrots:       particularly the super sweet, organic baby carrots
•    crunchy crudités of veggies and dip (hummus, tabouli, vinaigrette, favorite dressing)
•    celery and almond/sunflower butter or tahini (use non-hydrogenated butter) 
•    hummus with whole GF toast, carrots, celery, cucumber,daikon,greens,seaweed sheets

•    fresh juices, wheatgrass
•    fresh, whole fruit
•    organic non-dairy or almond yogurt and ripe fruit
•    apples and almond butter
•    GF bread with maple syrup/tahini spread
•    banana/nut ice-cream: freeze and blend your own!
•    dried fruit: dates, figs, apricots, cranberries, blueberries, bananas, etc.
•    use leftover buckwheat to make sweet porridge: drizzle maple syrup and sprinkle cinnamon, add nut milk and bananas, heat with fruit juice, etc.
•    smoothies: mix whatever you have in the kitchen: fruit, ice, nut milk, coconut yogurt, carob powder, nuts, etc.
•    fruit “ice cream”: peel a banana, freeze, blend in a food processor with nuts, berries or raisins and serve; can be put through the screen of a juicer for a creamier consistency
•    freshly squeezed fruit juices: make your own and try different combos
•    sweet vegetables: yams, sweet potatoes, squashes (acorn, butternut, kabocha) cut into chunks; sprinkle with cinnamon and bake
•    organic dark chocolate chips or carob chips

•    sundried olives
•    pickles, and picked vegetables, such as carrot, daikon, beets, or lotus root
•    tabouli, hummus
•    steamed vegetables with tamari/shoyu or umeboshi vinegar
•    flax/chia chips and fresh salsa/guacamole: try whole grain chips such as “Garden of Eatin” 
•    sauerkraut: it will also knock your sweet craving right out!
•    fresh lime/lemon juice as seasonings or in beverage
•    Celery/daikon/radish with Tahini
•    sea-salted sea weed chips

•    nut milks:almond, pumpkin with maple syrup/coconut nectar
•    smoothies –fruits mixed with veggies/greens and hemp/nuts
•    Coconut/non-dairy Kefir
•    avocados
•    Buckwheat pudding with cardomam
•    dips and spreads, like hummus, sunflower-pate, tahini
•    soups with Tahini/Nutritional yeast/squash/avocado
•    puddings made with avocado or mashed banana
•    mashed sweet potatoes
•    Fresh nut milks/coconut milks/flax milk