Communologue for Collective Transformation
“What does it look like to go from being “inclusive” to being “affirming”? ”
As the current cultural and political landscape continues to challenge our ability to connect to one another, what kind of individual and collective relationships are needed for us to become more equitable and collectively conscious?
We must go beyond diversity and go beyond “being nice”.
And what does it look like to go from being “inclusive” to being “affirming”?
Join the Communologue Circle with Safe Conversation & Imago Facilitator, Sonali Sadequee, as she supports you in learning conscious communication skills, building bridges, and creating affirming relationships as an agent of transformation. Communologue circles are where communologue members learn how to go beyond diversity and beyond being “nice” to each other.
“High quality relational skills are at the heart of all healthy, thriving communities”
Communologue circles are held weekly for a 16-week period. Each week, you will have an opportunity to learn and apply conscious communication skills with your peers regarding issues of race/inequities in a way that is thoughtful, non-judgemental, and actually transformative while being grounded in your own life experience.
You will be supported on how to courageously move through challenging conversations without getting derailed by emotional reactivity, shame, and/or guilt.
You will be empowered with relational skills of building:
& connectedness
with your peers and loved ones that look/feel and maybe are different than you.
You will learn to celebrate each other’s differences rather than be afraid or ignorant of them.
Sonali will guide you through sensitive conversations that teach you how to build through differences while you transform yourself, your relationships, and therefore, the collective culture.
This group is for those of us who want to learn, build, and sustain meaningful, safe, and connected relationships with each other across issues of race, class, gender, ability, size, faith, and LGBTIQA issues while enjoying being human.
A brave space will be facilitated so that participants may engage deeply and feel empowered to hold space for the complexities in the spirit of affirmation, justice and love.
Communologue Circles are Every Tuesdays. Conact us to RSVP.
Each circle runs for 16 weeks.
Early Registration is highly encouraged. Limited space available.
Apply to reserve your spot, Email the following:
Explain in a few sentences why you want to join the circle
Circles are held in East Lake, Decatur.
“Without community, there is no liberation.”